Monday, August 23, 2010

It is time to get this going....

Instead of JUST documenting my attempts at becoming that shiny happy person everyone loves, I am going to use this to help myself become that annoying person.

No therapy is working well enough on my depression to make me much more than barely functioning. So when a friend suggested I use my blog to help myself and maybe others who are dealing with the same daily struggles I thought "pfft, no one wants to read about how I have a good life yet am still hardly able to get out of bed"...

However, the more I thought about it, I realized maybe someone will relate. And maybe they can help me... and in turn, I help raise awareness of mental health issues and the various things people have done to help themselves.

For the record, I am still buying stones, doing distance healing and various other kooky sounding things to find mental peace and quiet. And I have to say, I am now a believer in stone healing and Binaural Beat Therapy. I will continue to try new things and review them to save you time, money, and your dignity.

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